Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Cheese State

As a slightly less coordinated, shorter, 12 year old, complete with toupee inspired hair, my parents accompanied me to Madison Wisconsin to celebrate my sister’s graduation from college. It was great fun; I witnessed my first protest, saw the band of the moment STYX in the hotel lobby, sailed on the lake and ate cheese. I came home with a t-shirt and my sister came home with my awesome brother in-law Dave. 28 years later while touring the country on a job for AARP, I noticed things have not changed much, my sister still loves Dave and Wisconsin still loves cheese. Well maybe STYX is no longer the band of the moment!

Monday, June 01, 2009

Street Painting

I have lived in New York City for the past 16 years and now more than ever consider it home. Even so, I still roam the city as a tourist and see something new everyday. For a while I have been photographing interesting pieces from my travels, so it was natural to photograph pieces of my backyard. To see more of my travel slideshows visit my main site: www.joshuakessler.com.

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