Monday, February 25, 2008

Oscar Picks

I could not be happier with the results from last nights Academy Awards. Two of my all time favorite subjects won: Tilda Swinton and Glen Hansard. I was smitten with Tilda the moment I met her. The first time I photographed her, she told me about this great new unknown British band; Coldplay. A year later we stood in line together waiting to get into a Sigur Rós show and then just last month I had the opportunity to photograph her again and we laughed about being early Coldplay adopters. Glen is just a wonderful guy; he let me play his beloved Takamine guitar while John Carney, the director of Once, shared his Peanut M&M’s. Once renews hope that if you have a wonderful story, great performances and a director with a vision you do not need a lot of money to make a special movie. Congratulations to all!

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