Friday, December 15, 2006

L.A. and Such

At Thanksgiving dinner, one of my aunts in Ohio asked me, “what do you do when you are not working?” this may be the greatest misconception of photography and freelance work in general. I never thought I would say this but taking the picture is the easy part of being a photographer. When I am looking through a camera I know what to do, what path to take, what to say. The hard part is getting to the point where you are looking through the camera. So what does this have to do with Los Angeles you say? Well, last week I was in L.A. working, but not taking pictures. From the very start of my career I have always tried to hit the bricks and show my portfolio. When you sit in a room across from someone looking at your work, you can really gage if you are going in the right direction.

The above picture was taken while landing at JFK.

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