Friday, August 31, 2007


When I was growing up my first photographic role models were my brother Rebel (it’s his nickname) and my cousin Wendy. Reb (the nickname of his nickname) and Wendy are 14 years older than I am. When I was six they were in film school and photo school respectively. They would come home from college with their latest projects and I was enamored; Reb made an incredible short film with tennis balls and Tang and Wendy used an early color Xerox machine to make images of flowers that she combined into a tapestry. Even then I would run around saying that I wanted to be a photographer and follow it up with the statement that I would not shoot weddings or bar mitzvahs, So it was a treat to come full circle and photograph Wendy. I would not be writing this if it were not for both of them.

In addition Wendy has the greatest collection af salt and pepper shakers I have ever seen!

1 comment:

G-daughter said...

Does Wendy know about the "Salt&Pepper Shaker Museum" in Iowa? I saw a story about it on some show...think "Sunday Morning" It's in Traer, Iowa.

Having lived in Iowa for years growing up, I know that things don't get much more "spicy" than this!

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